
- Supporting residents, especially low- and moderate-income residents, directly affected by the storms by rehabilitating or replacing housing units, including mitigation enhancements;
- Leveraging other funding sources and supporting community efforts to both address immediate gaps in rehabilitation of damaged homes with flexible funding and maximizing CDBG-DR dollars;
- Aiding in the rehabilitation and new development of housing for the most vulnerable, including temporary, emergency housing, and permanent supportive housing;
- Identifying opportunities to develop new housing stock to meet the urgent demand for affordable rental and owner-occupied housing; and
- Helping affected individuals by improving the resilience of their housing to reduce risk and strengthen neighborhoods for any future disasters while restoring their buildings and residences.

Public & Affordable Housing Development
The Public and Affordable Development Program has been allocated funds to address unmet needs throughout the USVI in relation to damages from Hurricane Irma and Maria. This program will incentivize the replacement of affordable housing damaged in the storms. This program seeks to redevelop and create new affordable rental housing stock including subsidized and mixed-income rental units and other public housing units, that will be developed.
Questions? Contact Lisa Richards, Public and Affordable Housing Senior Manager @ lrichards@usvipfa.com

Homeowner Reconstruction & Rehabilitation
Max Award: $350k
Homeowner Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program serves owner occupied homes that were substantially damaged by Hurricane Irma / Hurricane Maria. Homeowners who are eligible will be assisted to reconstruct or rehabilitate their home to make it habitable and compliant with flood plain, environmental, and other local requirements.
Questions? Contact 1-866-520-1310 or email [email protected]

Rental Rehabilitation & Reconstruction
Max Award: $150k Per Unit
The Rental Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program is designed to restore small rental properties that were damaged by Hurricanes Irma and/or Maria. Rental damage from the storms has a far-reaching impact on the local population, displacing individuals and families, constricting the rental income on which land-lords rely, and leaving individuals and families in sub-par housing stock.
Questions? Contact 1-866-520-1310 or email [email protected]

New Housing Infrastructure and Construction
Under this program, VIHFA will administer CDBG-DR funding to support first-time homebuyers with the purchase of a home. Assistance will be limited to the amount necessary to achieve homeownership. CDBG-DR funds will be utilized to install infrastructure (roads, lighting, etc.), grading, installation of utilities, land preparation, and the construction of homes in mixed-income communities in the Territory. The new homes will be developed based on two (2) program options: (1) turnkey developments on land owned by VIHFA or (2) on land owned by the potential homeowner. To be qualified, applicants must be mortgage-ready and have incomes at or below 80% AMI. Second mortgages in the form of forgivable loans for first-time homebuyers at or below 120% AMI may also be available under the turnkey option. Homebuyers’ assistance for a down payment and closing cost will be based on VIHFA’s underwriting standards. The awards for homebuyer assistance will not exceed the total of the down payment and closing cost necessary to make the home affordable, based on VIHFA’s underwriting standards.
Option 1: Turnkey Development
Under the Turnkey Development option, VIHFA will act as the developer and solicit contractors to construct homes and install infrastructure utilizing CDBG-DR funding. This option will be open to eligible residents that have been pre-qualified for VIHFA’s homebuyer program. Other Developers may participate in Option 1 if additional funding is made available.
In order to participate in any program of the Authority, a Developer must be duly organized, validly existing, qualified, and licensed to do business under the laws of the Virgin Islands. The Developer must be in good standing with the Government of the Virgin Islands and shall have the power and authority, corporate or otherwise, to own properties and carry on the business in which it is conducting.
Demonstrate specific, measurable housing construction experience, expertise, and adequate staff capacity to undertake the proposed development. A developer without sufficient experience, expertise, or staff is encouraged to strengthen his or her record by entering a joint effort with a developer or development consultant who has an established record of success, the required resources, and who assumes an active role in such a joint effort.
Option 2: Build a Lot, Own a Home
This option will also administer CDBG-DR funding to support first-time homebuyers with the construction of a single-family home on their existing property. Qualified Applicants may be eligible to receive financial assistance in the form of a grant to be used towards the construction of a new home on their existing property, including eligible prepaid and/or closing costs. Assistance amount will be limited to the amount necessary
to achieve homeownership. Assistance will be provided in the form of a grant, secured with a lien on the property for the CDBG-DR assistance through a Deed of Mortgage and Restrictive Covenants, for twenty (20) year affordability period. Applicants must have been a resident of the Territory at the time of the disaster (this would be evidenced by the 2018 Income Tax Return stamped in the Territory or a lease and/or utility bill) and demonstrate they are mortgage-ready with incomes less than 80% AMI
EnVIsion Tomorrow
Questions? Contact 1-866-520-1310 or email [email protected]