Citizen Participation
4 Key Ways to Participate
We want to hear from you as we go through this recovery process together. There are 4 ways built into the planning process to keep you in the loop and providing feedback.
READ THE CURRENT PLANS: Current and past versions are always available to you.
PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT: During certain phases of the planning process, drafts and amendments are open for public comment.
TAKE SURVEYS: When appropriate we will release online surveys to get your opinion about process changes under consideration.
ATTEND MEETINGS: When appropriate, and generally during periods of public comment, we hold public meetings to get your feedback.

Read The Plans
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands develop a Consolidated Plan which is the result of the planning process that recipients of HUD funding must undertake as a condition of receiving funds. The programs covered include: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), the HOME Program, and other programs as may from time to time be made. The Consolidated Plan serves as a planning document which builds on citizen participation, as an application for federal funds under the above-mentioned HUD programs, as a strategy for the implementation of program activities, and finally, as a basis for assessing performance. The purpose of the Citizen Participation Plan is to describe how the Territory shall provide for and encourage citizen participation in the development of the 5- year Consolidated Plan, any amendments thereto, the Annual Action Plan, the annual performance evaluation report (CAPER), and any amendments to those plans.
The Consolidated Planning process entails the assessment of needs, the establishment of priorities, and the development of strategies to address housing, community development, and homelessness. The Citizen Participation Plan shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, every five (5) years as part of the consolidated planning process.

Citizen Participation Plan
The newest version of the Citizen Participation Plan includes information relating to the CDBG Electrical Systems Enhancement and Improvement Funding Allocation.
In tandem with the CDBG Electrical Action Plan, both plans are open for review and feedback until December 26, 2022.

When appropriate we will release public surveys to gain insight into public view on specific areas of interest. These surveys sometimes inform plan amendments and other times may result in changes to our internal processes.
Provide Public Comment
The Territory’s CDBG – DR Action Plan is up for a third amendment which will alter the amount of funding to housing; infrastructure & public facilities; economic revitalization programs. the draft plan is available for public review and comment here. The public comment period is open from August 22 – September 22, 2022.
Any future substantial amendments, environmental reviews or documents requiring public review will also be available for comment.
Special Needs Populations
Advocates of vulnerable population who may need additional resources to engage with the CDBG-DR planning process are encouraged to contact the CDBG-DR Program Communication Manager at (340) 772-4432. A list of the vulnerable population that will continue to be outreached to directly and information about equitable accessible is available in the VIHFA Citizen Participation Plan (pending public comment)
For questions on any accessibility needs, please call (340) 772-4432 or write to [email protected].