Recovery Programs
To address the extensive devastation caused by the storms,
the Territory has proposed a portfolio of programs to boost
broad-based recovery on multiple fronts. The need for
urgent action is a major driver of the first allocation of funds.
Below is a summary of the three categories of programs funded under CDBG-DR for the next six years. Across all categories, low- and moderate-income residents and businesses are the priority beneficiaries.
Below is a summary of the three categories of programs funded under CDBG-DR for the next six years. Across all categories, low- and moderate-income residents and businesses are the priority beneficiaries.

Neighborhood Revitalization
For licensed business before Sept. 30, 2017, this program is working with qualifying applicants to access grant funding to revive their businesses following damages sustained in the 2017 hurricanes. The program is divided into two programs: Building Facade & Streetscape Enhancement and Small Business Grant and Technical Assistance.
Our Programs + Services
CDBG-DR Programs’ Allocation Status
Disaster Recovery
CDBG-DR Mitigation
CDBG-DR Electrical
$67, 653,000