What is CDBG Electrical Grid?
Electrical Grid Grant Overview
The Electrical Grid Grant program has a total budget of $67.653 million. This includes:
- V.I. Water and Power Authority: $53 million for additional generators at the Estate Richmond power plant on St. Croix.
- Community Electrical Innovations Program: $10 million.
Grant Objectives
The Electrical Grid Grant aims to:
- Enhance and improve the electrical power systems of the US Virgin Islands.
- Increase the resilience of the electrical power system to future disasters.
- Address the impacts of climate change.
Activities that enhance and improve the electrical power systems of the US Virgin Islands; Increase the resilience of the electrical power system to future disasters; and address the impacts of climate change.
CDBG-Electrical Activity Requirements?
- Meet the definition of an electrical power system improvement activity
- Address an unmet need for the electricity power system
- Meet a HUD & Urban Development National Objective for Energy Power System Improvements.
Address current and future risk to the electrical power system in terms of rate savings or increasing reliability

Grant Allocation
This 6-year grant, expiring 2029, totals $67,653,000.00. Project funds are distributed as follows:

CDBG-DR Programs’ Allocation Status
Disaster Recovery
CDBG-DR - Mitigation
CDBG DR - Electrical
$67, 653,000
In April, the Energy Solutions program conducted several outreach sessions to gather community insights on how to best utilize the Innovations Program funding. Based on this feedback, a new initiative will launch later this month in partnership with the Virgin Islands Energy Office. This initiative will focus on assisting entities that serve the most vulnerable populations in our community.
We are excited to collaborate with the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority and the Virgin Islands Energy Office to enhance the electrical power system for the people of the Virgin Islands.