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Public Service & Supportive Needs Housing (Public Facilities)

Provide grants through a competitive application process to public, nonprofit, and for-profit providers of support services. This aims to enhance the network of support services available to vulnerable populations. 
Public services include activities such as employment training, childcare, health services, substance abuse treatment and counseling, educational programs, fair housing counseling, and services for senior citizens, the homeless, and others. These services are designed to support vulnerable populations within the community. 
Public facilities are defined as publicly owned facilities or buildings owned by non-profits or agencies that are open to the public or serve vulnerable populations, including people with special needs. Examples of publicly owned facilities are libraries, recreational facilities, parks, or playgrounds. Examples of buildings owned by non-profits or agencies include homeless or domestic violence shelters, nursing or group homes, or health clinics. The objectives of these programs are to ensure the rehabilitation and expansion of facilities and services to support the well-being of the community’s most vulnerable members. 

Public Services

The program provides funding to expand increase the availability and accessibility of essential social services for vulnerable groups, including the homeless, at-risk youth, elderly, victims of domestic violence, and individuals with special needs, disabilities or mental illness. 

Subrecipient:   Liberty Place, Inc.  

Project Name:   Liberty Place  

The Assertive Community Action Team (ACAT) will be managed by Liberty Place/ALLAHWE employees, mental health contract staff, and community partners like VIPD, VIDoH, and other NGOs to address homelessness. 

ACAT’s objective is to respond to emergencies and stabilize housing. The team, including medical, behavioral, and social work professionals, aims to find lasting solutions for homeless or vulnerable housing individuals. Each collaborator will contribute meaningfully to build a strong and responsive ACAT. 


Location Description: 
82 A-B-C Whim, Frederiksted, St. Croix, VI 


Funding Sources: 

CDBG-DR          $1,000,000.00 

Other              $500,000.00 

Total            $1,500,000.00 

Subrecipient:   Methodist Training & Outreach Center, Inc. 

Project Name:   MTOC 

Meeting The Needs of Our Community, Inc. offers licensed and non-licensed counseling for individuals with post-traumatic stress, mental health, or behavioral issues due to Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Eligible individuals will receive screening, case management, intake, counseling, and referral services. 

Location Description: 
4A Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas 
22 King Street, St. Croix 

Funding Sources: 

CDBG-DR            $257,108.00 

Total            $257,108.00 

Subrecipient:   Ileri, inc. D/B/A Project Promise  

Project Name:   Project Promise 

The Caterpillar Afterschool Project aims to improve the lives of at-risk youth in St. Croix through comprehensive educational, health, career, and vocational support. Targeting low-income, at-risk youth aged 10-18, Project Promise’s multi-year program offers holistic support, emphasizing empowerment via community service projects that foster teamwork, responsibility, and self-esteem. Guided by educators, mentors, and life coaches, students receive tailored services from fifth grade through high school, along with psycho-emotional and community support during disaster recovery periods. The program also assists students who have been out of school post-disaster in achieving appropriate grade-level performance. 

Location Description: 
10 ABC Queen Street, Christiansted, St. Croix 

Funding Sources: 

CDBG-DR          $95,000.00 

Other            $165,000.00 

Total             $260,000.00 

Special Needs Housing(Public Facilities)


 The Supportive Housing and Sheltering Programs include rehabilitation and development of new and emergency housing for vulnerable populations, as well as support services within those facilities. The program funds will be made available to successful applicants from governmental units, for-profit and nonprofit entities. Projects might include evacuation centers, homeless shelters, homes for the aged, or other facilities and programs for those in greatest need. 

 Questions/concerns: Zakenya Ross, 

Subrecipient: Catholic Charities of the Virgin Islands, Inc.  

Project Name: The Rita Schuster Center  

The objective of the Rita Schuster Resource Center project is to rehabilitate the existing shelter and construct a new facility to accommodate restrooms with showers for underserved and homeless individuals. Additionally, it will provide Case Management and supportive services. 

Catholic Charities aims to offer temporary shelter for up to six (6) individuals or families. The homeless population will benefit from a facility where they can access basic hygiene care, clean clothing, and nutritious meals daily. 

The absence of such a facility adversely affects the Christiansted area in St. Croix, as the reduction in available beds for the homeless increases their risk of victimization, trauma, poor health, crime, substance use, and various other issues. 

Location Description: 
The physical boundaries of the project services area: Christiansted, Peters Farm Road on the East of the property running North and South, #15 Friedenstahl on the Northern side, #4 Friedenstahl bordering the Western side, and #17 Friedenstahl on the Southern side of the property. 

Funding Sources: 

CDBG-DR            $297,000.00  

Total                     $297,000.00 

Subrecipient: Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands, Inc.  

Project Name: Sister Emma Cottage 

The goal of the project is to create a safe, clean, and comfortable facility for up to 16 severely disabled children, who are wards of the Government of US Virgin Islands. The new facility will address risks from flooding and potential hurricanes. 

The project involves constructing a reinforced concrete building with cement plaster/paint exterior, insulation/drywall interior, and a pitched roof finished with corrugated galvalume panels. It will include hurricane-rated, impact-resistant windows and doors, ceramic tile flooring, and copper wiring. The fully air-conditioned structure will be built on the property of Queen Louise Home for Children with the following dimensions: Kitchen/Dining Room-684 Sq. Ft., Living/Multipurpose Room-660 Sq. Ft., Classroom-340 Sq. Ft., Nurses Station-441 Sq. Ft., Bedrooms-1720 Sq. Ft., Therapy and Meditation Rooms-592 Sq. Ft., Office and Services Areas-540 Sq. Ft., Bathrooms/Washrooms-960 Sq. Ft., Courtyard-1116 Sq. Ft., Porch-480 Sq. Ft., Circulation-1440 Sq. Ft. 

Named Sister Emma Cottage, this new one-story building will replace the existing children’s complex. It will feature two symmetrical wings housing bedrooms for boys and girls, each wing accommodating four bedrooms with four children per room. Centralized services and bathroom facilities will be accessible from both wings. The building will have multipurpose dining spaces at the front, a commercial kitchen, and a four-sided courtyard for natural light. It will comply with ADA regulations and all applicable codes. 

Location Description: 
71 Estate Concordia West, Frederiksted, U.S. Virgin Islands 00840 

Funding Sources: 

CDBG-DR          $6,500,000.00 

Private              $390,000.00  

Total            $6,890,000.00 

Program Policies

Subrecipient Agreements

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