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Homeowner Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Program (HRRP)

Max Award: $400,000
HRRP serves owner occupied homes substantially damaged by Hurricane Irma / Hurricane Maria. Homeowners who are eligible will be assisted in reconstructing or rehabilitating their home to make it habitable and compliant with flood plain, environmental, and other local requirements. 

Rental Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Program (RRRP)

Max Award: $200,000
RRRP is designed to restore small rental properties that were damaged by Hurricanes Irma and/or Maria. Rental damage from the storms has a far-reaching impact on the local population, displacing individuals and families, constricting the rental income on which landlords rely, and leaving individuals and families in sub-par housing stock. 
HRRP and RRRP Programs questions/concerns: contact 1-866-520-1310 or email [email protected] 

Program Policies

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