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Infrastructure and Public Services

The U.S. Virgin Islands has identified multiple infrastructure priorities that must be addressed If the Territory’s infrastructure is made more resilient, critical services could be stabilized and maintained for residents in the event of a future disaster, creating a safer and more secure environment. These priorities are categorized into two elements:
  • Critical and Natural Resilience
  • Community Resilience & Public Facilities Construction

Community Resilience and Public Facilities

Activities related to these projects will be focused on hardening infrastructure against severe weather events. This will include measures to harden infrastructure facilities against high winds, heavy rainfall, flood exposure, storm water run-off, and their effects such as erosion.

Resilient Critical and Natural Infrastructure

This program addresses the urgent need for adequate, permanent emergency shelters. It supports the development of multi-purpose facilities which will be dedicated to disaster preparedness, sheltering needs in disasters and other emergency situations. The program may also support increasing sheltering capacity by hardening and upgrading existing community, public or private infrastructure to bring them up to sheltering standards.




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