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Action Plan

Approved July 12, 2021 | The Territory’s CDBG – Mitigation Action Plan to spend $774 million on housing; infrastructure & public facilities; economic resilience & revitalization; public services and planning is published.

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The Mitigation Grant is designed to increase resilience to disasters, aiming to eliminate long-term risks to life, property, and infrastructure. Unlike Disaster Recovery grants, this program focuses on reducing the impact of future disasters through proactive measures.

Grant Allocation

This 12-year grant, expiring in 2035, totals $774,188,000. The funds are distributed as follows:

  • Infrastructure and Public Facilities: $418.2 million
  • Housing: $192.7 million
  • Economic Resilience and Revitalization: $76.7 million
  • Public Services, Planning, and Administration: $86.5 million

Key Developments

  • Launch: The grant was successfully launched in January 2024.
  • Amendments: Two substantial amendments have been submitted to HUD.
  • First Amendment: Approved for the propane infrastructure acquisition at WAPA, amounting to $145 million.
  • Second Amendment: Submitted on May 7, focusing on the Veterans Drive Mitigation Improvement Project. This $124.4 million project aims to mitigate flooding and erosion, reduce congestion, and enhance access to community lifelines.

This initiative demonstrates our commitment to building a more resilient and prepared community for future challenges.


What is CDBG-MIT?

Hurricanes Irma and Maria had a devastating impact on the United States Virgin Islands. The two back-to-back Category 5 storms in September 2017 caused significant destruction to housing, infrastructure, and the economy in the Territory.

HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Program supports strategic and high-impact activities to mitigate disaster risks and reduce future losses by lessening the impact of future disasters.
HUD mitigation activities increase resilience to disasters, reducing or eliminating the long-term risk of loss of life, injury, damage to and loss of property, and suffering and hardship. Learn more about the CDBG-MIT Program.

The U.S. Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority (VIHFA) manages this money, submitting to HUD the Territory’s CDBG-MIT Action Plan prior to expending the CDBG-MIT funds. The plan proposes activities to address unmet infrastructure and public facilities, economic resilience, housing, public services, and planning needs, in accordance with HUD requirements, rules, regulations, and public input, using data-driven decision making to establish priorities.

Federal Register Notice

HUD published the CDBG-MIT U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS NOTICE on September 10, 2019.
HUD published the CDBG-MIT NOTICE on August 30, 2019.

CDBG-MIT Action Plan

As with CDBG-DR, VIHFA must submit a distinct CDBG-MIT Action Plan, which now is due to HUD no later than January 4, 2021.

The Territory’s CDBG-MIT Action Plan must meet the requirements set forth by HUD in Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 169 (August 30, 2019), 84 FR 45838, and Federal Register Vol. 85 No. 17 (January 27, 2020), 85 FR 4676. In general, these requirements include:

  • Connecting mitigation programs and projects to identify risks in the Territory.
  • A Mitigation Needs Assessment, which takes into consideration characteristics and impacts of current and future hazards that put at risk indispensable infrastructure and services.
  • Consideration of the potential impacts that mitigation activities may have on the seven (7) community lifelines encompassed in the nationwide planning model set forth by FEMA and adopted by HUD, which include:
    • Energy
    • Food, Water, and Shelter
    • Health and Medical
    • Safety and Security
    • Communication accessibility
    • Hazardous Materials
    • Transportation
  • Long-term planning and risk mitigation considerations that promote local and regional planning and implementation are informed by the Mitigation Needs Assessment in consultation with the public, the private sector, and government agencies.
  • Robust citizen participation through the scheduling of at least five (5) public hearings held at different times in the planning process to seek community input.

CDBG-MIT Programs

Housing and Public Services $203,000
Multi-family Housing The Multifamily Housing Program is designed to facilitate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of multi-family developments, aiming to repair, restore, and augment the affordable housing stock.
New Home Construction The New Home Construction Program, utilizing allocated funding, focuses on redeveloping and establishing new affordable housing stock. Eligible development activities encompass the creation of housing units and substantial rehabilitation of vacant, uninhabitable dwellings to increase the overall housing availability.
Homeless Housing Initiative The Homeless Housing Initiative addresses the temporary emergency housing needs of the homeless and those at risk of homelessness. It covers eligible costs for the rehabilitation or replacement of existing emergency housing and provides funding to support service providers offering aid through essential services.
Innovative and Resilient Housing The Innovative and Resilient Housing Program promotes the adoption of architectural and construction techniques to create robust and resilient housing. Emphasizing economic development costs, this initiative aims to encourage innovative approaches to sustainable and durable housing solutions.
Public Services The Public Services Program is aimed at offering employment training, childcare, health services, substance abuse treatment and counseling, educational programs, fair housing counseling, as well as services catering to senior citizens and various other needs.
Infrastructure and Public Facilities $363,000,000
Community Resilience and Public Facility Funding The Community Resilience and Public Facilities Program is aimed at the need for sufficient and permanent emergency shelters by facilitating the construction or rehabilitation of versatile facilities specifically designed for disaster preparedness, addressing shelter needs during disasters, and responding to other emergencies.
Resilient Critical and Natural Infrastructure The Resilient Critical and Natural Infrastructure Program is focused on advancing the adaptation to climate change through the management of natural infrastructure assets that provide municipal and ecosystem services while providing effective solutions for minimizing coastal flooding, erosion, and runoff.
Economic Resilience and Revitalization $75,000,000
Commercial Hardening and Financing (CH&F) CH&F program intent is to upgrade eligible commercial/private buildings and return them to business uses and ensure the ability for such facilities to operate during emergencies. Alternate harbor/port sites may be eligible for program funding. Commercial Hardening and Funding will be comprised of two project activities: Commercial Resilience and Facade and Maritime Industrial Harbor Improvements.
Small Business Mitigation (SBM) SBM program creates a supportive business environment with easier access to capital and adequate technical support.

Applicant Eligibility

Under the CDBG-Mitigation Program, VIHFA partners with:

– Units of the Government of the USVI (autonomous and semi-autonomous instrumentalities)

– Providers (nonprofits and for-profits) of supporting services for vulnerable populations.

– Developers


CDBG-MIT Projects


Public Outreach Meetings

VIHFA has held a series of virtual and in-person public meetings during the development of the action plans for citizens affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria since the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) of 2020.

View Public Outreach Meetings

VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Go To Meeting and telephone to provide an overview on the CDBG-MIT Federal Register, outlining the rules and regulations tied to the Territory’s allocation and gathering comment.

Mitigation Public Hearing June 11, 2020

July 9, 2020VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Zoom, telephone, and simulcast on Facebook Liveto provide an overview on the CDBG-MIT Federal Register, outlining the rules and regulations tied to the Territory’s allocation and gathering comments.

Mitigation Public Hearing July 9, 2020

August 6, 2020 VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Zoom and simulcast on radio station 107.9FM Da Vybe to provide an overview of the CDBG-MIT Federal Register, outlining the rules and regulations tied to the Territory’s allocation and gathering comments.

Mitigation Public Hearing August 6, 2020

November 12, 2020VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Zoom and simulcast on Facebook Live to receive feedback and comments following the publication of the Action Plan Draft.

November 19, 2020 – VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Zoom and simulcast on Facebook Live to receive feedback and comments following the publication of the Action Plan Draft.

December 3, 2020 VIHFA hosted a Town Hall meeting via Zoom and simulcast on Facebook Live to receive feedback and comments following the publication of the Action Plan Draft.

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